As the awareness of global warming and climate change has increased over the years, alternative solutions to government policies and regulations have also started to take action for the purpose of reducing global GHG emissions. Voluntary carbon markets (VCM) are one of the most effective tools developed over time to battle climate change. Voluntary carbon reduction schemes create an inviting environment for companies to register their emission reductions and trade the reduction certificates (carbon credits) on the market. Carbon credits are issued by various voluntary carbon reduction programs and are also known as Verified Carbon Units (VCUs) and Verified Carbon Credits (VCCs).
Voluntary carbon markets not only allow companies to offset their carbon emission exceeding the set limits or support other companies taking part in climate-positive action to achieve lower carbon emissions but also, set a strong incentive for companies to first reduce their GHG emissions as much as possible. This is why voluntary carbon reduction schemes and carbon credits play a crucial role in achieving global climate change goals.
We work with top-notch voluntary emission reduction schemes such as VERRA/VCS, GCC, and Gold Standard for the Global Goals to ensure that your business is verified by the best standards and your climate action is up to the highest verification criteria. These reduction schemes are developed to ensure the environmental integrity and transparency of carbon markets and reduction activities as well as to encourage voluntary carbon reduction activities.

Carbon Offset Life Cycle
Verified carbon standard (VCS)
Verra’s VCS program is a well-known voluntary emission reduction program that holds the GHG reduction projects from a diverse range of sectors including renewable energy, waste handling and disposal, carbon capture, livestock and manure management, and others to the highest standards. This program awards certifications and Verified Carbon Units (VCUs) to successful projects that satisfy their rules and requirements. Each project must follow a relevant quantification methodology to showcase the GHG emission reduction resulting from the project activity. To this day, over 1,806 certified VCS projects have reduced more than 928 million tCO2 and other GHG emissions from the atmosphere. Issued VCUs can be used by other entities in carbon markets to neutralize or offset their emissions. We work with VCS to help you develop the most qualified projects and realize long-term business opportunities.
Global carbon council (GCC)
The Global Carbon Council (GCC) is an initiative of the Gulf Organisation for Research and Development (GORD). This initiative aspires to support impactful climate actions through building uncompromising standards and guidelines for GHG emission reduction projects. GCC’s Advisory Board & Steering Committee contributes to the development of easy-to-follow stringent methodologies by providing expert technical advice and approval. GCC contributes to creating an inviting carbon market system that provides highly credible, cost-effective, and sustainable opportunities for projects that take a climate-positive action. We work with GCC to make sure that you get the most out of your project and make a meaningful contribution to the global carbon reduction goals.
The Gold Standard for Global Goals
The Gold Standard For The Global Goals aims to set a higher standard for climate security, sustainable development, and the climate market. This standard puts GHG emission project activities up to a comprehensive standard to promote a maximum positive impact on climate protection. Gold Standard was founded by a group of NGOs for the purpose of promoting climate security and sustainable development for all. The strong basis of the Gold Standard is built by the Technical Governance Committee (TGC) and Technical Advisory Sub-Committees (TAC). The Gold standard expects ambitious but credible claims as well as insurance of continuous improvement from projects. Eligible projects must provide emission reductions as well as certain benefits to society. We provide the necessary consultation and take the right steps for your project and your business to ensure that your climate activity is up to the Gold standard and eligible for the resulting carbon credits.
International Carbon Registry (ICR)
ICR is another voluntary emission reduction program aiming to ensure that emission reductions of climate projects are in line with the goals of the Paris agreement. To achieve this high goal, ICR holds projects to a set of robust requirements. ICR issues high-quality carbon credits, called ICCs, generated from these climate projects to contribute to the integrity of the carbon market. This program also offers transfer and retirement of such credits. The ICR values financing climate projects that take valuable and responsible emission reduction and offsetting actions as well as preventing double accounting. As Climate Solutions, we offer consultancy on the ICR process and help you get your project into the ICR voluntary reduction program.
BioCarbon Registry
BioCarbon Registry, which originates from Latin America and was previously known as PROCLIMA, is dedicated to the certification and registration of greenhouse gas (GHG) projects for the promotion of climate change mitigation actions. Standard and methodologies developed by BioCarbon aim to ensure that climate projects offer meaningful emission reductions and comply with national and international policies. Biocarbon registry provides the integrity of valuable information in their platform by utilizing blockchain technology. To this day, the Biocarbon Registry has issued 32.5 million Verified Carbon Credits (VCCs) and 19.6 million VCC has been withdrawn through the platform.